Carman Mach


A portrait of myself in a field of strawberries with clear cloudy skies.


I'm a chef turned web-developer based in downtown Toronto. My passion for building web-applications stems from my creativity within kitchens and my innate desire to learn new concepts and add new tools to my tech pantry. I find excitement in creating new or re-factoring current code to brighten user experiences and add inclusivity with responsive design, similar to developing a seasonal menu to showcase local ingredients! Fuelled by my curious mind and probably way too many espressos, you can often find me nose-deep in learning new techniques and growing my knowledge to stay up to date with modern tech trends.

Being able to connect and network with collaborators, trailblazers, and innovative, like-minded individuals is something that I look forward to as I am always up for a new adventures and collaborations!

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  • html5

  • css3

  • sass

  • javascript

  • jquery

  • react

  • git

  • github

  • firebase

  • terminal

  • a11y

  • responsive

  • debugging

  • restful api

  • pair programming


Robo Trivia

Project - View Live

A trivia game that can either be played solo or with others online. This app was created with React and uses API calls to allow users to choose their difficulty or category. A database was set up in Firebase to record highscores and simulate a feeling of a multiplayer game without authentication.

Technology - View Repo

React / API / Firebase /JavaScript / Sass / HTML

NVDE Soaps

Project - View Live

A mock version of an ecommerce store build for a client. Firebase is used to store data persistently on the page to act as a shopping cart. The design was created by myself with influences of the clients visions.

Technology - View Repo

React / Firebase /JavaScript / Sass / HTML

Sanctuary Helpers

Project - View Live

A client PSD conversion that utilizes JavaScript for interactivity and functionalities. Sanctuary Helpers is a three-page build with responsive design and accessibility forward.

Technology - View Repo

JavaScript / Sass / HTML

Get in touch

Connect with me to chat about my projects, complex code or even complex carbs! I'm happy to go on a coffee date to chat about my web dev journey, and always up for collaborations!